Expression Builder

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The Expression Builder dialog assists you in composing SQL queries. The SQL syntax is well hidden behind a simple user interface, making it pretty simple to create queries.


There are four types of fields:

· Boolean - A true/false value.
· Date/time - A date, time, or date/time value.
· Numeric - A 32 bit integer.
· Text - A string of characters


Each field data type has its own set of operators, and each operator has zero, one, or two operands (value fields). This means that when you choose field and operator, the dialog box shows the necessary fields you have to fill in.











Category - lists all the inventory categories.


Field - lists all fields for the selected category.


Operator - lists all the available operators for the selected field.


Value fields - enter a value in the value fields (one or two depending on the operator).



Boolean operators:


is false

is true


Date/time operators:


is after today

is before today

is between

is empty

is last 7 days

is last month

is last week

is not empty

is on

is on or after

is on or before

is this month

is this week

is today

is today or after

is today or before

is tomorrow

is yesterday


Numeric operators:


is at least

is at most

is between

is equal

is less than

is more than

is not equal


Text operators:


begins with


does not contains

ends with

is at least

is at most

is between

is empty

is equal

is less than

is more than

is not empty

is not equal