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The Client configuration view lists all the defined configurations. A client configuration contains information how the inventory client is set up and how it should detected and send result data back to the inventory server.






You find the most common tasks in the Client Configuration view in the toolbar:




· Details: Displays details of the selected configuration.
· Add: Adds a new client configuration.
· Rename: Renames the selected client configuration.
· Delete: Removes the chosen configuration from the database. There is no undo available.
· Print: Sends the information in the data grid to your printer.
· Preview: Opens a window where you can preview the information in the data grid before it sent to the printer.
· Import: Imports a client configuration file to the database. The file must conform to the client INI file format.
· Export: Exports the client configuration to a file. The file is formatted as an INI file.
· Help: Displays this help information.



See also:

User Input Forms