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Introducing Quest Reporter : Setting Up Scheduled Collections : Removing Scheduled Collections and RDCs

Removing Scheduled Collections and RDCs
You can remove scheduled collections and RDCs from the Reporter console.
Before you delete an RDC, ensure there are no collections running. If collections are running, then certain files will not be deleted.
If you are using compressed data transport mode, note the following:
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) queues will not be deleted. You must manually delete the queues using Microsoft native tools.
To delete scheduled collections
Expand Reporting | Collections | Scheduled Collections.
Click Yes.
To remove an RDC
Expand Reporting | Collections | Scheduled Collections.
You can only remove an RDC after the scheduled collections are deleted.
Click Yes.
A dialog box may appear indicating that some files were not deleted on a remote RDC computer. You must delete these files manually if you want to deploy an RDC to that computer in the future.
If you do not delete the files, future RDC deployments to that computer will fail.