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Introducing Quest Reporter : Setting Up Scheduled Collections : What Are Scheduled Collections? : Benefits of Scheduled Collections

Benefits of Scheduled Collections
Running a scheduled collection and a subsequent report template against the stored data can have several advantages over running the same report template live on the network:
A report generated against stored data is faster since a live report must gather data, then store it. Therefore, you spend only a fraction of the time waiting for the report results.
Scheduled collections can be run during periods when the network is not busy. The collection can run faster and not burden the network during regular business hours.
Scheduled collections can take place closer to the source of information by placing a Reporter Data Collector (RDC) on a computer in that domain.
Recurring scheduled collections allow you to track changes to objects over time. Any detected changes to the objects are saved in the database.
Each scheduled collection can take place in its own security context. This provides flexibility when you need to collect data from multiple locations—it is then not necessary for a single account to have rights in all locations.
For more information on generating reports, see Creating Custom Report Templates and Favorites.