Using voice chat channels

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Channel overview

A 'channel' is a virtual union of users where each user can hear other users joined to the same channel. A user can be only be joined to one channel at a time and only hear users joined to the same channel, since receiving sound from two or more channels at once results in interference. All users automatically join the channel named "#general".

The Voice Chat interface manages channels using two 'user lists', one in the upper part of the interface and one at the bottom ( illustration).

Each user list contains a list of channels, and each channel a list of users.

A user list positioned in the upper part of the interface is the 'active channel' and displays its users. A user list at the bottom of the interface is referred to as 'other channels' and contains channels that have not been joined at the moment.

Manage channels and users using context menus, the upper menu or the toolbar.

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Channel types

Public channels, Private channels and Conference channels are available. Channel type is indicated to the left of the channel name. If a channel is password protected, the 'password' icon will appear to the left of the channel type. The following table displays the icons for channel types and password protection:


channel type

Public channel
Private channel
Conference Channel
Channel password enabled

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Public channel

Created using the Create channel command and enables multiple users to hear each other.

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Private channel

Created by issuing and accepting a private request and allows two users to speak privately.

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Conference channel

Created using the Create channel command and allows users to speak in queued order. A user's position in tha queue is shown in digits to the left of the user's nickname. The operator of conference channel can give the microphone to a user.

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Active channel

The channel that is currently joined is displayed in the upper part of the window and is called the 'active channel'.

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Joining an existing channel

To join an existing channel:
  1. Select the desired channel in the 'other channels' list.
  2. Issue the Join channel command by clicking the 'Join channel' toolbar button ( details).
  3. noteYou cannot directly join private channels or channels bearing the names "#general" and "not in channels".
  4. If a channel has a password, the 'Join channel' window will appear ( illustration).

    If a channel has both a channel and an operator password, select the desired rights and enter the passwords. If you select 'Join as operator' then you will have operator privileges when you join the channel.

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Creating a new channel

To create a new channel:
  1. Issue the Create channel command by clicking the 'Create Channel' toolbar button ( details).
  2. The 'Create channel' window will appear ( illustration).
  3. Enter the channel name and optional settings:
    • Channel type

      Selects channel type.

    • Microphone timeout

      If specified, the microphone will be automatically removed from the conference channel user after a specified time.

    • Channel password

      Specifies a password that should be entered to join a channel.

    • Operator password

      Specifies a password that can be used with the request operator privileges command for acquiring operator privileges on a channel.

  4. Click on the <Create> button. The channel will be created and you will automatically join with operator privileges.

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Leaving a channel

When the last user leaves a channel, it is automatically destroyed.

To leave a channel you have joined:
  1. Issue the Leave channel command by clicking the 'Leave Channel' toolbar button ( details).

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Channel settings

To change the settings of the active channel:
  1. Select the active channel and use the 'Channels'->'Channel Settings' menu command ( details).
  2. noteYou can only change the settings for public and conference channels created by users.
  3. A settings screen will appear. If you have administrator rights on the channel, you will be able to adjust the settings. Click on the <Change> button to apply changes.

    noteIf you change the channel type to 'conference', all users will stop speaking.

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