These actions enable you to incorporate LANDesk service management functionality within Process Manager.
LANDesk Service Desk actions are described below.
This action enables you to designate a user to perform an assignment. When the action occurs in the course of a process, a LANDesk Service Desk user is given the designated assignment.
This action enables you to add a note to an incident. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the note is added to the designated incident with the specified values.
This action enables you to add a task to an incident. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the task is added to the designated incident with the specified values.
This action enables you to close an incident. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the designated incident is closed.
This action enables you to create an incident. When the action occurs in the course of a process, an incident is created in LANDesk Service Desk.
This action enables you to acquire information about an incident. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the details of the designated incident are obtained from LANDesk Service Desk.
This action enables you to resolve an incident. When the action occurs in the course of a process, the incident is marked as resolved in LANDesk Service Desk.