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Components of the Pocket PC Administrator's Toolkit

When you install the Pocket PC Administrator's Toolkit, the following items are located in <installation path>\Pocket PC.



Symantec LiveState Delivery Agent Manager for Pocket PC


Lets you install the Symantec LiveState Agent for Pocket PC, set defaults, and edit properties of the agent. More info...

Online help is accessible from Help buttons within the Agent Manager.

CabGen utility

Used to prepare a single file that can be downloaded to a Pocket PC device using a Web browser. The file can install the Agent for Pocket PC and enable other functions. More info...

Agent Files for Pocket PC

Contains files and utilities used to install and restore the Agent for Pocket PC, using either of the following methods:

Sample Packages

Contains sample packages for the Pocket PC.

Pocket PC Package Wizard


Lets you generate both scripted and CAB-based installation packages for Pocket PC applications for which you have an existing CAB file.

Online Help is accessible from Help buttons within the Wizard.

Pocket PC Tools

Utilities for changing settings, performing diagnostic evaluations, and editing the registry.

Help for the Symantec LiveState Pocket PC Administrator's Toolkit (PocketPCAdminToolkit.chm)

Describes how to use the Pocket PC Administrator's Toolkit components to manage Pocket PC devices.

View the Help by double-clicking the .chm file.

Help for the Symantec LiveState Delivery Agent Manager for Pocket PC (PocketPCAgentMgr.chm)

Describes how to use the Agent Manager components with Pocket PC.

View the Help by double-clicking the .chm file.

Help for the Symantec LiveState Delivery Pocket PC Package Wizard (PocketPCPackageWizard.chm)

Describes how to use the Package Wizard with Pocket PC.

View the Help by double-clicking the .chm file.