Migration utility

To start the Import utility, from the WhatsUp Gold console, select Tools > WhatsUp Gold v7/v8 File Data Migration. The Migration wizard opens.

This utility migrates data from WhatsUp Gold 7 or 8  into the database. The following is a list of the items that are imported with this utility:

This utility can be run at any time, and can be run multiple times. Each time the utility is run, imported maps and devices will be duplicated, but definitions are not duplicated or updated. For example, If XYZ email action exists in the database, the imported XYZ data is ignored, even if the definition was updated in WhatsUp Gold v7/v8 in the meantime.

Related Topics

Back up the database

Data Source

Maps to transfer

Report of Migration Results


Information for WhatsUp Gold v8 and earlier users

Welcome to Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v11