WhatsUp Gold is installed with five performance monitors that monitor specific types of data on your devices: CPU, Disk, Memory, and Interface Utilization; and Ping Latency and Availability. These monitors appear in the Performance Monitor Library.
To configure these monitors for use on specific devices, you must use either the Device Properties > Performance Monitors to configure for a single device, or Bulk Field Change > Performance Monitors to configure for multiple devices.
To enable a global performance monitor for a single device:
From the top section of the dialog, select the global performance monitor you would like to enable for the selected device.
Important: To enable a CPU, disk, interface, or memory global performance monitor, you must first select and SNMP credential for the device from the SNMP credential page.
To configure a global performance monitor:
On the monitor configuration dialog, select the specific item you want to monitor by making a selection in the Collect data for drop-down list. Depending on the monitor, you can select to collect data for All, Active, Specific,or Default interfaces, memories, cpus, or disks.
If you select Specific, the list is enabled and you can select or clear the selection for any of the items in the list. This is particularly useful with the Interface Utilization monitor where a device may have many interfaces.
To enable a global performance monitor for multiple devices, use the Bulk Field Change feature for performance monitors.
For information on the Active Script Performance Monitor, see Adding custom performance monitors to the Performance Monitor Library.