Find dialog box

Use the Find dialog box to find items in the Details pane that match specific criteria. Found items are highlighted.

You can perform the find function as follows:

Table: Find dialog box options decibels the options in the dialog box.

Table: Find dialog box options



Add to List

Adds the criteria to the criteria list. All items in the criteria list are used for the find operation.


The type of comparison for the search. It can be equal to, not equal to, contains, starts with, ends with, or regular expression.


The string you entered can appear anywhere in the item.


The name of the column you want to search.

Find text in table

The alphabetic or the numeric string for which you are searching.

Is exactly

The string you entered must be identical and in the same order.

Match case

Performs a case-sensitive comparison. Often, using Match case speeds up the filtering.

Matches items that contain all of the criteria (AND)

Performs a search in which all defined criteria must match.

Matches items that contain at least one of the criteria (OR)

Performs a search in which only one of the criteria must match.


Deletes the selected filtering criteria.

Starts with

The string you entered must appear at the beginning of the item.


The alphanumeric string for which you are searching. If the column displays numeric data, you can use the number spinner to select a value.

To find items in the Details pane

  1. Select a tab.

  2. Enter search terms and select search options

  3. Click Find Next to find and highlight the next item that matches.

  4. Click Find All to find and highlight all items that match.