Tasks window

The Tasks window shows the status and the resource allocation for the prepare to restore and prepare to discover operations. Use the Refresh option to update the details pane with new information retrieved from the master server; if an item is highlighted, only that item is updated.

Table: Actions for the Tasks view describes actions you can initiate from the Tasks view.

Table: Tasks view columns describes the columns in the Task view.

Table: Actions for the Tasks view


Do the Following

Display the tasks and operations that are allocated

Select Bare Metal Restore Management > Tasks.

Display task properties

Right click on a task in the details pane and then select Properties from the shortcut menu.

Clean up a task

Right click on a task in the details pane and then select Clean Up from the shortcut menu. The resources that are used by the task are unallocated, the State is set to Done, and Status is set to 150 (terminated by user). You can clean up the tasks that are in an Active or Waiting state.

Delete a task

Right click on a task in the details pane and then select Delete from the shortcut menu. You can delete the tasks that are in a Done state.

Table: Tasks view columns



Client Name

The name of the client.


The configuration that is used for the task.

Shared Resource Tree

The SRT used for the task.


The following are the states of restore or discovery tasks:

  • Active. The task is in progress

  • Done. The task completed.

  • Editing. Dissimilar disk restore mapping is occurring.

  • Queued. The task has not been active yet.

  • Waiting. The task was active but is waiting for some user action.


Displays Ready when the task is Queued; otherwise, shows the following when the restore is in progress (the State is Active or Waiting):

  • Discovery External Procedure (Active State only). An external procedure is running during the prediscovery phase.

  • Failed (Done State only). The task failed.

  • Finalizing (Active State only). Completing the task.

  • First Boot External Procedure (Active State only). An external procedure is running during the first boot phase.

  • Formatting (Active State only). Formatting the drives.

  • Initializing (Active State only). Booting the client.

  • Mapping (Waiting State only). Mapping required.

  • Mapped (Active State only). Mapping completed and passed validation.

  • Post-restore External Procedure (Active State only). An external procedure is running during the postrestore phase.

  • Pre-format External Procedure (Active State only). An external procedure is running during the preformat phase.

  • Pre-restore External Procedure (Active State only). An external procedure is running during the prerestore phase.

  • Restoring (Active State only). Restoring files.

  • Restore Canceled (Done State only). The user terminated the restore.

  • User Input Requested (Waiting State only). Waiting for user action.

  • Waiting for Reboot.


Status codes for the task.

Start Time

Date and time the task started.

End Time

Date and time the task ended.


Restore or Discover.