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VxSFW volume layout

The options for Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows (SFW) volumes let you select a a volume type and the file system action to perform.

Table: Veritas SFW volume layout selection items describes all of the options on the wizard screen.

Table: Veritas SFW volume layout selection items



Volume Layout

The layout that is used to map the volume.


A volume whose data is organized serially and adjacently across components forming one logical storage unit.


A concatenated-pro or concatenated-mirror volume is created by concatenating several mirrored volumes, which provides faster recovery because failure of a single disk does not force the entire mirror offline.


A volume with data spread evenly across multiple disks. Stripes are equal-sized fragments that are allocated alternately and evenly to the subdisks of a single plex.


A striped-pro or striped-mirror volume is created by configuring several mirrored volumes as the columns of a striped volume. This layout offers the same benefits as a non-layered mirrored-stripe volume, but it provides faster recovery because the failure of single disk does not force an entire striped plex offline.


A volume with multiple data plexes that duplicate the information is contained in a volume.


A volume that is configured as a striped plex with another plex that mirrors the striped volume. This increases performance by spreading data across multiple disks and provides data redundancy.


A volume that uses striping to spread data and parity evenly across multiple disks in an array.

Number of Copies

The number of components in the mirror. Minimum is one (one-way mirror) and maximum is three.

Number of Stripes

For concatenated, stripe, and RAID-5 only, the number of components that make up the volume. The number of components in the original layout is displayed; if you change the layout, the default number appears (2 for concatenated, 2 for stripe, 3 for RAID-5).

Stripe size

For stripe and RAID-5, the stripe size. The default value is 16KB, minimum 8 KB, maximum 128 MB.

Create and restore file system

Create, format, and restore the file system. This option is the default.

Create but do not restore file system

Create and format the file system but do not restore the contents of the protected system.

Do not create file system

Create the volume but do not create the file system.

Enable Log

Create a volume on which transactional logs are stored. The number of components increases by one, and you must select the component where the log device is to be created.