Windows volume layout

The options for Windows Logical Disk Manager volume layout let you select a volume type and a file system action to perform.

You can select only the volume types available in the volume manager.

Table: Windows LDM volume layout selection options describes all of the options on the wizard screen.

Table: Windows LDM volume layout selection options



Primary Partition

A primary partition is a contiguous region on a basic disk. A basic disk can contain either four primary partitions or three primary partitions and an extended partition that contains multiple logical drives.

Logical Partition

A partition on a basic disk.

Simple Volume

A simple volume is a contiguous region on a single dynamic disk.

Spanned Volume

A dynamic volume that consists of disk space on more than one physical disk.

Striped Volume

A volume with data spread evenly across multiple disks. Stripes are equal-sized fragments that are allocated alternately and evenly to the subdisks of a single plex.

RAID-5 Volume

A volume that uses striping to spread data and parity evenly across multiple disks in an array.

Mirrored Volume

A mirrored volume duplicates your data on two physical disks.

Create and restore file system

Create, format, and restore the file system. This option is the default.

Create but do not restore file system

Create and format the file system but do not restore the contents of the protected system.

Do not create file system

Create the volume but do not create the file system.