Allocated date
Shows the date when Media
Manager allocated the volume.
Allocated time
Shows the time of the day
when Media Manager allocated the volume.
Allocated date and time
Shows the date and time
that Media Manager allocated the volume.
Available capacity
Shows the free space on
the disk storage unit or in a disk pool.
If multiple storage units
share the same disk pool or volume, it is noted (Shared).
Backup date
Shows the date that the
backup began.
Backup ID
Shows the identifier that
NetBackup assigns when it performs the backup.
Backup time
Shows the time of the day
that the backup began.
Block size
Shows the size of the
data blocks used to write the backup. When backups are multiplexed,
the block size can vary between backups on the same volume.
This column indicates
whether this fragment is a blockmap (Yes or No).
Shows the name of the
client that was backed up.
Indicates whether or not
the backup was compressed.
Copy number
Shows whether multiple
copies were made.
Creation date
Shows the date when
NetBackup created the backup.
Creation time
Shows the time of the day
when NetBackup created the backup.
Shows the date that the
backup occurred.
Shows the date and time
the backup began.
Shows the density of the
device that produced the backup.
Shows the message that
describes the status.
Device written on
Shows the device where
the backup was written. The value in this column represents the
drive index that is configured in Media Manager.
Disk pool
Specifies the type of
disk pool to which the report applies. Select a single disk pool
type or all disk pool types. The field is enabled only if disk
pools exist in the configuration.
Disk pool status
Shows the state of disk pool and usage information.
Disk type
Shows the type of disk.
Possible values include: Basic Disk, NearStore, or SSO for
Disk volume
Lists the volumes in a
disk pool.
Elapsed time
Shows the amount of time
that the backup required to complete.
Indicates whether or not
the backup is encrypted. Yes indicates that the backup is
encrypted. Encryption and decryption is possible only with the
NetBackup Encryption option.
Encryption key tag
Shows the identifier for the encryption key. The Encryption key
tag uniquely identifies which key was used to encrypt the data.
Extended security information
This column is reserved
for future use and always displays No.
Expiration date
Shows the date when
NetBackup expires the record of this backup.
Expiration date and time
Shows the expiration date
and time when NetBackup expires the record of this backup. The date
and time displayed is for the corresponding copy number; not the
expiration of the first copy.
Expiration time
Shows the time when
NetBackup expires the record of this backup.
File number
Shows the file number on
the media.
File restore raw
Shows the individual file
restore from raw.
File system only
This column is reserved
for future use and always displays No.
File system type
Shows the type of file
system. E.g WAFL, NFS.
Fragment number
Shows the number of the
fragment. TIR indicates that the fragment number is part of a
true-image backup. IDX (Index file) if the fragment contains true
image restore information or is for an
individual-file-restore-from-raw backup.
Header size
Shows the optical header
size in bytes.
High watermark
Shows the threshold that,
when reached, signals to NetBackup that the disk storage unit
should be considered full.
Shows the NetBackup
server that contains the Enterprise Media Manager database with the
records for this volume.
Shows the total number of
backups on the volume.
Image dump level
This column applies to
NDMP backups. 0 indicates a full backup and greater than 0
indicates an incremental backup.
Image type
The types of images are as follows:
Image from a scheduled or user-directed backup.
Image for which phase 1 of the import process is complete.
Image that has been imported into the NetBackup database on this
In compliance
Shows whether the report
is in the compliance report (Yes or No).
Job ID
Shows the job ID that
corresponds to the backup that appears in the Activity Monitor.
Shows the keyword that
the user associated with this image at the time of the backup.
Shows the total number of
kilobytes on this volume.
Shows the number of
kilobytes in the backup.
Last offset
Shows the optical offset
of the last header.
Last read date and time
Shows the last time a
restore was done from this volume.
Last read date
Shows the date when the
last restore was done from this volume.
Last read time
Shows the time of the day
when the last restore was done from this volume.
Last written date
Shows the date when the
volume was last used for backups.
Last written time
Shows the time when the
volume was last used for backups.
Last written date and time
Shows the last time the
volume was used for backups.
Low watermark
Shows the low watermark.
When a disk storage unit becomes full, expired images are deleted
to free space until the space meets the level.
Master server
Shows the NetBackup
master server that controls the media that is used for the
Maximum concurrent jobs
Shows the number of jobs
that NetBackup can send to a disk storage unit at one time.
Media date
Shows the date that
NetBackup allocated the media for use by NetBackup.
Media ID
Shows the Media ID that
contains this backup. The media ID is the same for all backups
since the Media Contents can be run on only a single Media ID.
Media owner
Shows the media server or
server group that owns the volume.
Applies only to NetBackup
Enterprise Server: There can be more than one listing if the master
server has media servers and ALL was selected for the server.
Media server
Shows the media server
that controls the backup. Applies only to NetBackup Enterprise
Server: There can be more than one listing if the master server has
media servers and ALL was selected for the server.
Media servers
The media servers that can perform the following
Control a disk storage unit (BasicDisk).
Write data to and read data from a disk pool (AdvancedDisk).
Move data to and from a disk pool (OpenStorage).
Function as deduplication servers.
Media time
Shows the time that
NetBackup allocated the media for use by NetBackup.
Media type
Shows the type of media.
The type can be removable (Rued) or disk (Disk).
Shows whether the backup
is multiplexed. Yes indicates that the backup was multiplexed.
Number of files
Shows the number of files
in the backup.
Number of images
Shows the number of
images of a client on a storage unit.
Number of restores
Shows the number of times
this volume has been used for restores.
Number of volumes
Shows the number of
volumes in a disk pool.
Number of shared storage units
Shows the number of
storage units sharing the disk pool.
Object descriptor
This column is reserved
for future use and is always empty.
Shows the byte offset on
the media where the backup image begins. The value applies to
optical disk only. It does not apply to tapes and magnetic
Partner ID
Shows the media ID of the
volume on the other side of an optical disk platter.
Shows the path to the disk storage unit. No path displays for
disk pools.
Shows the name of the
policy that was used to back up the client.
Policy type
Shows the type of policy
that was used to back up the client. (Standard and MS-Windows, for
Potential free space
Shows the potential free
space on the disk storage unit. Free space includes expired and
staged images.
Shows the process that
returned the status.
Primary copy
Shows the copy (1 or 2)
that NetBackup used to satisfy restore requests.
Shows the bytes that were
written beyond the kilobytes that were filed. The size of a
fragment is exactly as follows:
Kilobytes*1024 +
Retention period
Shows the retention
period for the backups on this volume. An asterisk after the
retention level number means that the volume can have multiple
retention levels. For multiple retention levels, the number that is
displayed is the first level assigned.
Schedule name
Shows the name of the
schedule that was used for the backup.
Schedule type
Shows the type of schedule indicates as used for
the backup is one of the following:
Sector size
Shows the optical sector
size in bytes.
Shows the severity level
of the status. (For example, Info, Error, or Warning.)
Shared storage units
Shows a list of disk
storage units that share the same disk pool.
Shows the completion
status of the backup. If the status code is 0, the operation
succeeded. If the status code is not 0, right-click the entry in
the table and launch the Troubleshooter to display troubleshooting
The following messages commonly appear as the
Indicates that the volume is currently in use.
Indicates that the volume has expired.
Indicates that the volume is unavailable for future backups. A
frozen volume never expires, even after the retention period ends
for all backups on the media. This means that the media ID is never
deleted from the NetBackup media catalog and remains assigned to
NetBackup. (The bpmedia command can
also be used to freeze or unfreeze volumes.)
A frozen volume is available for restores. If the backups have
expired, the backups first must be imported.
Indicates that the backup was imported to this server. The
volume cannot be used for further backups until retention periods
for all backups on it have expired. At that time, the imported
volume is deleted from the NetBackup media catalog and unassigned
from NetBackup.
An imported volume is available for restores. If the backups
have expired, the backups first must be imported.
Indicates that the media is full and no more backups are written
to it. NetBackup sets FULL status if it encounters an end of media
(EOM) during a backup. A full volume is unavailable for future
backups until the retention period expires for all backups that are
on it.
Indicates that the media contains multiplexed images.
(Multiple Retention Level) Indicates that the volume contains
backups of more than one retention level.
Indicates that the volume cannot be used for further backups
until retention periods for all backups on it have expired. (The
bpmedia command can also be used to
suspend or unsuspend volumes.)
A suspended volume is available for restores. If the backups
have expired, the backups first must be imported.
Storage server type
Shows the type of storage
Storage unit name
Shows the label that
NetBackup associates with physical storage.
Shows the time of the day
that the backup occurred.
Times written
Shows the number of times
this media was written.
Total capacity
Shows the total capacity
of disk storage unit or disk pool.
For a disk pool, the
total capacity is the actual capacity, not the licensed
Multiple storage units
that share the same disk pool or volume indicate this (Shared).
True image restore available
Shows whether NetBackup
colleced true image restore information for this policy. Yes
indicates that true image restore information was collected.
Shows the type of status.
(For example, Backup, General, or Security.)
Used capacity
Shows the capacity of a
disk storage unit or disk pool that is in use.
If multiple storage units
share the same disk pool or volume, it is noted (Shared).
Valid images
Shows the number of
nonexpired backups on the volume. For example, if the volume has 50
backups but only 10 are valid, then the other 40 have expired. If
the volume has any multiplexed backups, this field contains
Volume pool
Shows the number that
corresponds to the volume pool for the media as follows:
0 = None (no volume
1 = NetBackup
2 = DataStore
3 = CatalogBackup