Robots pane

Click Robots to display the items in that category in the right pane.

Clicking a specific robot displays all of the media in that robot in the Volumes pane.

Table: Robots list



Device Host

The name of the device host where this robot is defined.

Inquiry Information

Contains the device information that is returned from the device. This information is used to identify the device. For example, vendor ID, product ID, and product revision.

Robot Control Host

The name of the host that controls the robot. This column contains a host name only for a robot that is attached to a different host than the host that provides robot control. (Applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.)

Robot Name

The name of the robot (comprised of the robot type and robot number), for example, TLD(3).

Robot Number

Number of the robot.

Robot Type

The type of robot that contains this volume.

Serial Number

The serial number of the robot.

More Information

Table: Robots list