Volumes pane

Volumes shows the volumes in the NetBackup environment. The volumes that appeared in the Volumes pane depend on what you select in the tree pane, as follows:

You can manage the lists in the Volumes pane as follows:

The following are the columns that can appear in the Volumes pane.


The application to which the volume is assigned, as follows:

  • 0 - NetBackup

    The volume is assigned to NetBackup regular backups.

  • 1 - Catalog

    The volume is assigned to NetBackup catalog (database) backups.

  • 3 - Data Lifecycle

    The volume is assigned to Data Lifecycle Manager.


The alphanumeric representation of the volume's bar code label.

Cleanings Remaining

For a cleaning tape, how many more times the tape can be used. To use a cleaning tape, the value in this column must be greater than zero. Change this count by selecting the volume and using Edit > Change.


NetBackup detects conflicts back-level servers are at NetBackup 6.0 or later.

The following are the messages that may appear:


    More than one volume shares an identical ADAMM global user ID (a Symantec Backup Exec attribute).

  • Barcode

    More than one volume shares an identical bar code.

  • Media ID

    More than one volume shares an identical media ID.

  • Residence

    More than one volume share an identical residence in a robotic library.


The date and the time that the volume was added to NetBackup.

Data Expiration

Date when the backups on the volume expire.

Date Vaulted

Contains the date this volume was sent to the vault. (Applies to the NetBackup Vault option only.)


Describes the media in 25 or fewer alphanumeric characters. You specify a description when you add volumes.

First Mount

The date and the time that NetBackup first mounted the volume.


Total number of backups on the volume.


Total number of kilobytes on this volume.

Last Mount

The most recent date and the time that NetBackup mounted the volume.

Last Read

The most recent time NetBackup read data from the volume.

Last Write Host

The name of the media server that most recently wrote to the volume.

Last Written

The most recent time NetBackup used the volume for backups.

Max Mounts

The number of times the volume can be mounted. Zero in this column means unlimited mounts. When the maximum is reached, NetBackup writes a message to the system application log. No further mounts in write mode are allowed. However, NetBackup can mount the volume in read mode.

Media ID

A NetBackup ID that identifies the volume in six or fewer alphanumeric characters. NetBackup assigns the media ID when you add volumes or when you use a robot inventory to add volumes.

Media Owner

If a server group owns the volume, that server group appears. Otherwise, the name of the media server that most recently wrote the backup data to the volume appears.

Origin Host

Original volume database host from which the volume was imported.

Media Status

The status of the media.

The following are the messages that may appear:

  • Active

    The volume is currently in use.

  • Frozen

    A frozen volume is unavailable for future backups. A frozen volume never expires, even after the retention period ends for all backups on the media. The media ID is never deleted from the NetBackup media catalog, and it remains assigned to NetBackup.

    A frozen volume is available for restores. If the backups have expired, import the backups first.

  • Suspended

    You cannot use a suspended volume for backups until retention periods for all backups on it have expired. At that time, NetBackup deletes the suspended volume from the NetBackup media catalog and unassigns it from NetBackup.

    A suspended volume is available for restores. If the backups have expired, import the backups first.

  • Full

    The volume is full and backups are written to it. NetBackup sets FULL status if it encounters an end of media (EOM) during a backup.

    A full volume is unavailable for future backups until the retention period expires for all backups that are on it. At that time, the volume is deleted from the NetBackup media catalog and unassigned from NetBackup.

  • Multi-Retlev

    (Multiple Retention Level) The volume contains backups of more than one retention level.

  • Imported

    The backup was imported to this server. The volume cannot be used for further backups until retention periods for all backups on it have expired. At that time, the imported volume is deleted from the NetBackup media catalog and unassigned from NetBackup.

    An imported volume is available for restores. If the backups have expired, import the backups first.


    The media contains multiplexed images.

  • WORM

    The volume is a WORM volume.

    See About WORM media.

  • BE

    The volume contains Backup Exec images.

Media Type

Media type of the volume.


The number of times that the volume was mounted. (Does not apply to cleaning media.)

Number of Restores

The number of times that the volume was used for restores.


For optical disks, this column shows the media ID of the volume on the other side of the optical platter.

For all other media types, this column contains a hyphen (-).

Retention Period

The amount of time that the backups are considered valid.

Return Date

Contains the date when this volume returns from the vault. (Applies to the NetBackup Vault option only.)

Robot Control Host

The name of the host that controls the robot that contains this volume. This host provides the robotic control. (Applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.)

If this column contains NONE, no specific host controls the robot (the robot is controlled from multiple hosts).

If this column is blank, the volume is for a stand-alone drive.

Robot Number

The number of the robot that contains this volume. If the volume is for a stand-alone drive, this column contains a hyphen (-). This column also contains a hyphen if the volume is part of a group that was moved out of a robot.

Robot Type

The type of robot that contains this volume. Displays NONE for a stand-alone volume.

Server Group

The server group that owns the volume. If not owned by a server group, the column is empty.

Session ID

Contains the ID of the vault session that ejected this volume. (Applies only to the NetBackup Vault option.)


Slot in the robot that contains the volume.

This column is blank for API robots because NetBackup does not track slot information for these robots. For API robots, the robot vendor tracks the slot information.

This column is also blank for stand-alone volumes.

Time Assigned

The date when the volume was assigned for use. You cannot delete a volume or change its volume pool while it is assigned to an application.

Valid Images

The number of nonexpired backups on the volume. For example, if the volume has 50 backups but only 10 are valid, then the other 40 have expired. If the volume has any multiplexed backups, this field contains MPX

Vault Container ID

Contains the ID of the container where this volume is stored. (Applies to NetBackup Vault option only.)

Vault Name

Contains the name of the vault where this volume is located. (Applies to NetBackup Vault option only.)

Vault Slot

Contains the location where this volume is stored in the vault. (Applies to NetBackup Vault option only.)

Volume Expiration

Indicates the age of the volume. If the volume expiration date is reached, the volume is considered too old to be reliable and no further mounts in write mode are allowed. NetBackup can mount the volume in read mode but writes a message to the system application log that the expiration date has been reached.

If the column is blank, the volume has no expiration date.


The expiration date is for the media itself not the expiration date of any images that are stored on the media.

Volume Group

The name of the volume group for this volume.

See Volume Groups pane.

Volume Pool

The volume pool to which the volume belongs.

The following volume pool names are reserved:

  • None is the default pool for users of applications.

  • NetBackup is the default pool name for NetBackup.

  • DataStore is the default pool name for DataStore.

  • CatalogBackup is the default name for the volume pools that are used for NetBackup hot, online catalog backups of policy type NBU-Catalog.

  • RemoteStorage-media_density is the default pool name created by Data Lifecycle Manager.

  • WORMxxxx where xxxx are any additional valid characters used to identify the pool.

    See About WORM media.