If your tape drives do not support device serialization, you may have to determine which logical device name or SCSI address matches the physical drive. You also may have to do so if you add the tape drives manually.
To correlate tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts
Correlate the SCSI target to the drive address by using the robot's interface panel. Alternatively, examine the indicators on the rear panel of the tape drive.
Determine the physical drive address (for example, number) by checking labels on the robot.
Configure the robot in NetBackup and then add the drives.
When you add the drives, ensure that you assign the correct drive address to each set of SCSI coordinates.
Optionally, use the appropriate NetBackup robotic test utility to verify the configuration.
To verify the device correlation Windows
Restart ltid, which starts the Automatic Volume Recognition process (avrd). Stop and restart ltid to ensure that the current device configuration has been activated.
The following point applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.
If robotic control is not local to this host, also start the remote robotic control daemon.
Use the NetBackup Device Monitor to verify that the tape was mounted on the correct robot drive.
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