Activity Monitor Actions menu

The following table lists the actions available on the Activity Monitor Actions menu:


Displays the detailed information about the job, daemon, or the process selected in the list.

Cancel Job

Cancels the selected jobs in the Jobs list that have not completed. A canceled backup or restore job with checkpoints cannot be resumed from the last checkpoint. To resume the job, use Suspend Job instead.

Cancel All Jobs

Cancels the backup jobs that have not completed.

Suspend Job

Suspends an Active, Queued, or Waiting for Retry backup or restore job with checkpoints. An administrator may want to suspend a job to free a resource. Or, to run another job then resume the suspended job when the resource is available.

Resume Job

Resumes an Incomplete or Suspended backup or restore job with checkpoints from the last checkpoint. When backup with checkpoints is resumed, the backup is resumed on the same media server. If Any available is specified as the storage unit group, the backup may use a different storage unit on the same media server. Or, if a specific storage unit group is specified, the backup may use a different storage unit on the same media server.

A backup job to a tape storage unit cannot be resumed on a disk storage unit. A backup job to a disk storage unit cannot be resumed on a tape storage unit.

A job may be in an incomplete state indefinitely and may be resumed until the backup or the incomplete backup has expired.

The same is true for the optical storage units that are mixed with tape devices. For example, If a backup originally started on an optical device is resumed on a tape device, the backup fails with a status 174. (Media Manager - system error occurred.) In this situation, use a specific storage unit, or use storage unit groups to separate the optical and the tape devices.

Restart Job

Restarts a job from the beginning. (The job is not required to have checkpoints.) The job can be restarted on the same media server or a different media server.


The job must be marked as Done or Waiting for Retry to restart it. To restart an Incomplete or a Suspended job, cancel the job to force it into the Done state.

When a job is restarted, a new job ID is assigned to the restarted job. The job details available through the Activity Monitor and various reports record the event in the following format:

timestamp Job manually restarted as new_jobID.

Stop selected

Stops the services that are selected in the Services list.

Start selected

Starts the services that are selected in the Services list.

More Information

Checkpoint restart for backup jobs policy attribute