CSV Input Format

The CSV input format parses comma-separated values text files.

CSV text files are generated and handled by a large number of applications and tools, including:

In a CSV text file, each line consists of one record, and fields in a record are separated by commas.
Depending on the application, the first line in a CSV file might be a "header", containing the labels of the record fields.
The following example shows a CSV file beginning with a header:

DateTime, PID, Comment
5/28/2004 13:56:12, 2956, Application started
5/28/2004 13:59:02, 2956, Waiting for input
5/28/2004 14:12:45, 3104, Application started
5/28/2004 15:24:42, 1048, Application started
Moreover, field values and labels might be enclosed within double-quote (") characters, as shown by the following PerfMon CSV log file example:
"\\GAB1\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time","\\GAB1\System\Processes"

From-Entity Syntax

See also:

TSV Input Format
CSV Output Format

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