CSV Input Format Fields

The structure of the input records generated by the CSV input format is determined at run time, depending on the data being parsed, and on the values specified for the input format parameters.

The first two input record fields are fixed, and they are described in the following table:

Name Type Description
Filename STRING Full path of the file containing this entry
RowNumber INTEGER Line in the file containing this entry
These two fields are then followed by the fields detected by the CSV input format in the CSV file(s) being parsed. The number, names, and data types of the fields are determined by examining initially the CSV data according to the values specified for the input format parameters.

The number of fields detected by the CSV input format during the initial inspection phase dictates how the CSV record fields will be extracted from the input data during the subsequent parsing stage.
If a CSV line contains less fields than the number of fields established, the missing fields are returned as NULL values.
On the other hand, if a CSV line contains more fields than the number of fields established, the extra fields are parsed as if they were part of the value of the last field expected by the CSV input format.

Number of Fields

The number of fields in an input record is determined by the input CSV data and by the values of the nFields and fixedFields parameters.

When the "nFields" parameter is set to -1, the CSV input format determines the number of fields by inspecting the input CSV data.
If the "fixedFields" parameter is set to "ON", indicating that all the rows in the CSV file have the same fixed number of fields, then the number of fields is determined by parsing either the first line of the CSV input data, or the first line of the header file specified with the "iHeaderFile" parameter.
On the other hand, if the "fixedFields" parameter is set to "OFF", indicating that the rows in the CSV file have a variable number of fields, then the number of fields is assumed to be the largest number of fields found among the first n lines of the CSV input data (eventually including the first line of the header file specified with the "iHeaderFile" parameter), where n is the value of the "dtLines" parameter.

As an example, the following CSV file contains a variable number of fields:

Name, City, AreaCode
Jeff, Redmond, 425
Steve, Seattle, 206, 98101
Edward, Olympia, 360
When parsed with the "nFields" parameter set to -1 and the "fixedFields" parameter set to "ON", this CSV file would yield three fields ("Name", "City", and "AreaCode").
In this case, the extra fourth field in the second record would be parsed as part of the third "AreaCode" field, whose value would then be "206, 98101".
On the other hand, if the "fixedFields" parameter is set to "OFF", and the "dtLines" parameter is set to any value greater than 2, then the same CSV file would yield four fields ("Name", "City", "AreaCode", and an additional fourth field detected in the second CSV record).
In this case, the first and third records would have a NULL value for the fourth field, and the second record would have a "98101" value for the fourth field.

When the "nFields" parameter is set to a value greater than zero, the CSV input format uses the specified value as the number of fields in the input data.
However, if the "fixedFields" parameter is set to "OFF", indicating that the rows in the CSV file have a variable number of fields, then the CSV input format uses the value of the "nFields" parameter as a "suggested minimum" number of fields, and it examines the first n lines of the CSV input data (eventually including the first line of the header file specified with the "iHeaderFile" parameter), where n is the value of the "dtLines" parameter, to determine the number of fields among these lines.
If lines are found containing more fields than the value specified for the "nFields" parameter, then the number of fields is adjusted to the largest number of fields found among the first n lines.

Considering again the previous CSV example file, parsing the file with the "nFields" parameter set to 3 and the "fixedFields" parameter set to "ON" would yield three fields.
However, setting the "fixedFields" parameter to "OFF" and the "dtLines" parameter to any value greater than 2 would yield four fields, detecting the extra field in the second record.

Field Names

The names of the fields in an input record is determined by the input CSV data and by the values of the headerRow and iHeaderFile parameters.

When the "headerRow" parameter is set to "ON", the CSV input format assumes that the first line in the CSV file being parsed is a header containing the field names.
In this case, if the "iHeaderFile" parameter is left unspecified, the CSV input format extracts the field names from the header line.
On the other hand, if the "iHeaderFile" parameter is set to the path of a CSV file containing at least one line, then the CSV input format assumes that the specified file contains a header, parses its first line only, and extracts the field names from this line, ignoring the first line of the CSV file being parsed.

If the number of field names extracted is less than the number of fields detected, the additional fields are automatically named "FieldN", with N being a progressive index indicating the field position in the input record.

Considering the previous example CSV file, setting the "headerRow" parameter to "ON" would cause the CSV input format to use the first line of the CSV file as a header containing the field names.
With the "fixedFields" parameter set to "ON", the CSV input format would detect three fields, whose names would be "Name", "City", and "AreaCode".
On the other hand, with the "fixedFields" parameter set to "OFF", the CSV input format would detect four fields, named "Name", "City", "AreaCode", and "Field4".

When the "headerRow" parameter is set to "OFF", the CSV input format assumes that the CSV file being parsed does not contain a header, and that its first line is the first data record in the file.
In this case, if the "iHeaderFile" parameter is set to the path of a CSV file containing at least one line, then the CSV input format assumes that the specified file contains a header, parses its first line only, and extracts the field names from this line.
On the other hand, if the "iHeaderFile" parameter is left unspecified, the fields are automatically named "FieldN", with N being a progressive number indicating the field position in the input record.

As an example, the following CSV file does not contain a header line:

Jeff, Redmond, 425
Steve, Seattle, 206
Edward, Olympia, 360
When parsed with the "headerRow" parameter to "OFF", the CSV input format assumes that the first line of the CSV file is the first data record in the file. In this case, the three fields would be named "Field1", "Field2", and "Field3".

Field Types

The data type of each field extracted from the input data is determined by examining the first n CSV data lines, where n is the value specified for the dtLines parameter, in the following way:

Empty field values are returned as NULL values.

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