Menus, Bars, and Tabs

In addition to the Scope pane and Result pane, the Command Center application window has the following components.


You can access Command Center commands from the main menus in the menu bar or from context menus associated with specific items.

 Main Menus

The menu bar includes two menus whose commands provide functionality that is specific to the snap-in, such as Command Center.




Commands are specific to the selected item in the Scope pane.


Commands are specific to the selected item in the Scope pane. For items that display information in the Result pane:

Choose Columns – Opens the Modify Columns dialog box where you can add and remove columns and modify the order in which columns appear in the Result pane.

Large Icons – Displays all items in the Result pane as large icons.

Small Icons – Displays all items in the Result pane as small icons.

List – Displays all items in the Result pane as a vertical list of small icons.

Details – Displays all items in the Result pane as a detailed, multi-column list.

The menu bar includes menus whose commands provide functionality that govern all the loaded snap-ins.




New – Closes the active .msc file and opens a new MMC window at the Console Root level.

Open – Opens the Open dialog box where you can browse to a .msc file which will be opened.

Save – Saves the active .msc file

Save as – Opens the Save As dialog box where you can save the active .msc file with a new name in the default directory or to some other directory on your hard drive.

Add/Remove Snap-ins – Opens the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box where you can add new or remove existing snap-ins to the MMC Console.

Options – Opens the Options dialog box where you can change the name for the active .msc file that is displayed in the title bar.

Exit – Prompts to save the active .msc file and closes MMC.


Add to Favorites – Opens the Add to Favorites dialog box where you can add the selected item in the Scope pane to the Favorites menu.

Organize Favorites – Opens the Organize Favorites dialog box where you can create folders in which you can put your favorite items and where you can move favorite items to new folders.


New Window – Opens a new Command Center window.

Cascade – Cascades all the displayed Command Center windows.

Tile Horizontally – Tiles the displayed Command Center windows horizontally

Arrange Icons – Arranges the icons for any minimized Command Center windows at the bottom of the MMC console.


Help Topics – Opens the help window displaying help for Microsoft Management Console and the Command Center.

Microsoft on the Web – Opens link to Microsoft's web help.

About Microsoft Management Console – Opens the Management Console window displaying version and copyright information.

Context Menus

The Command Center includes context menus for items in the Scope pane. The context menus provide a convenient way to select a command for an item without having to open a menu in the menu bar.

To access a context menu command