Share Administration


Hyena has a complete set of functions and support for share administration, including file and directory administration.


Share Properties


Share properties, including permissions, are accessible through the Share Properties dialog. To access this dialog, simply right mouse click on a share name, and select Properties.  Hyena's share properties display includes a view of the security, number of connected users, and all share settings.  Modification of share permissions are made through the Properties display.


Adding New Shares


To add a new share, simply right click on any directory and select Share As, or right click on the Shares object for any server and workstation, and select Create New Share.


Hyena's New Share dialog will automatically detect if the shared directory does not exist and will prompt you if you want to create it during the share creation process; you do not have to create the directory in advance.


Renaming / Moving Shares


To change the name or path of a share, simply change the data displayed on the share properties dialog.


Note that Windows NT/2000 requires the removal of a share before it can be renamed or have its path shared, thereby causing all current connections to be terminated.


Viewing Share Permissions


Hyena includes a unique function to view the permissions on any number of shares for a given server at the same time.  This provides a way to audit and report the share security for many shares concurrently.


To view the permissions for ALL of the shares on a server, right click on the Shares object for any computer, and select View all Access Rights.


To view the permissions for one or more shares, select the share(s) in either of Hyena's windows, and select View Share Security.


Share Permissions


Hyena’s share permissions dialog is nearly identical to the built-in permission editor in Windows NT. However, there are a few differences:


Removing User/Groups – multiple users/groups can be selected and removed at one time.


Changing Access Permissions – double clicking on a selected user/group will change the access type to the next permission type.


Adding New User/Group Permissions – when adding permissions for new users and groups, different permission levels can be assigned to the newly added members; you do not have to assign each newly added group the same permission level.


Warning for changing existing user/group permissions – when adding a new user/group that already has been assigned share permissions, a warning will be issued if the user/group has already been assigned a different permission level.


Note: There are several additional issues concerning share permissions that should be noted. See the Known Issues and Limitations section.


Showing Connections


To view the current connections to a share, select Show Connections.  Connections can be disconnected, or messages can be sent to either the computer or user that is associated with the share.  The share connections display includes the user, computer, open and user resource count, time (duration) of the connection, and the share name.


Removing Shares


Shares can be removed in Hyena through either the tree or list window, with the Stop Sharing option.  Since multiple objects can be selected in Hyena's list window at the same time, removal of multiple shares can be performed when the shares are selected in the list window.  Use care when removing shares, since user connections will be terminated automatically.


Note: Removing shares does NOT remove the data that is stored on the shared directory.



Copying Shares


Hyena supports copying shares from one computer to another, using the Copy Share(s) To option.  This action copies the share information, but NOT the data stored on the share. Hyena will, however, optionally create the shared directory, and can assign the existing file and share security to the new shared directory.   For more information on copying shares, see the Copying Objects topic.


File and Directory Administration


Hyena includes very powerful integration with the Windows NT and Windows 2000 shell (Windows Explorer).  Hyena can browse any share, and manage the directories and files.  See the File and Directory Administration topic for more information on this functionality.


At any share level, the File Properties option will present the Explorer context menu for the shared directory itself.  Create Directory can be used to create a subdirectory of a shared directory.  The View NTFS Security option can be used to display all of the NTFS security settings for an entire directory tree starting at any share point.


Use the View NTFS Security feature to scan multiple share points simultaneously when the shares are selected at the same time in the list window.


By using the shared directories to access folders and files, the entire contents of any remote drive can be managed with Hyena.  To get access to files and folders in the root of a drive, use the root (admin) shares.


More information on file management functions, including the View NTFS Security feature, can be found in the File and Directory Administration topic.


Active Directory Integration


Hyena fully supports listing Active Directory share objects in OUs.  Moreover, Hyena adds the capability to fully manage the underlying share properties and file management through the Active Directory share object.