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Discovery Accelerator groups the search criteria options into multiple sections, which are described below. Click the arrow icons at the right to expand or collapse the sections.
The Search section identifies the search and specifies when it runs.
The Date range section lets you search for items according to when they were sent or received.
The Search terms section specifies the words or phrases for which Discovery Accelerator should search in items. Click to add each word or phrase for which you want to search. Note the following:
To search for a phrase, enclose the words in quotation marks.
For example, you can search for all items whose subject lines contain the phrase "organizational changes" by defining a search term like this:
SUBJ: "organizational changes"
If you type multiple words on the same line, Discovery Accelerator finds all items that contain any of the words or phrases on the line.
Note that you must separate all the words in the search term with spaces. The following search term does not return the expected results because there is no space between words the "changes" and "license" - and consequently Discovery Accelerator searches for items that contain one or more of the following words: "organizational", "changeslicense", and "agreements".
SUBJ: "organizational changes""license agreements"
Similarly, the search terms license;agreements and license; agreements differ because, in the second case, a space follows the semicolon. The presence of the space causes Discovery Accelerator to find items that contain either word, whereas the absence of the space causes Discovery Accelerator to treat the search term as a phrase.
Press the Return key in a search box to add another line to it. If you type multiple lines in a search box, choose or in the left box to determine whether the lines are connected by OR or AND conditions.
To add the name of a target or custodian to the box or box, click at the right and then selected the required target or custodian.
Place the plus sign (+) in front of a word or phrase to connect it to every other word or phrase on the line with a Boolean AND condition. This sign instructs Discovery Accelerator to treat the specified word or phrase as required criteria. For example, the following search string means "(server AND test) OR (group AND test) OR (cluster AND test)":
[Any Of] server group +test cluster
In the following example, the search string means "(server AND test AND group) OR (cluster AND test AND group)"
[Any Of] server +group +test cluster
Place the minus sign (-) in front of a word or phrase to connect it to every other word or phrase on the line with a Boolean AND NOT condition. This sign instructs Discovery Accelerator to exclude from the result set those results that match the other search criteria and contain the excluded term. For example, the following search string means "(server AND NOT test) OR (group AND NOT test) OR (cluster AND NOT test)":
[Any Of] server group -test cluster
In the following example, the search string means "(server AND cluster AND (group AND NOT test))":
[All Of] server cluster group -test
You can use an asterisk (*) to represent zero or more characters, and a question mark (?) to represent exactly one character.
There must be a minimum of three characters before an asterisk, and you cannot use it at the start of a word. For example, the following search string returns hits for the words "make", "maker", "making", "wonder", "wondering", and so on:
[Any Of] mak* Wonder*
Similarly, there must be a minimum of three characters between each instance of a question mark in the search string.
If it is specified in the From field, the following example finds items from users with an email address from "@acme.uk" or "@acme.hk":
[Any Of] @acme.?k
You cannot use either wildcard character after a special character, such as the ampersand (@). For example, the search string "@?cme.uk" does not produce the expected results.
The Attachments section lets you search for items with a certain number or type of attachments.
The Miscellaneous section lets you search for items of a certain size and type or that have the specified retention category.
The Policies section lets you search for items according to the policies with which the Enterprise Vault Automatic Classification Engine has tagged them.
More Information
Building Discovery Accelerator search schedules