Ad-hoc search Pre-fix
Specifies the prefix to add to the names of ad-hoc searches that
users save to the review set.
Allow hits to be deleted from an Ad-Hoc search result
Specifies whether users can delete the items from a folder
search before they accept the search into the review set. By
default, Compliance Accelerator lets users delete the items.
Allow users to commit items without committing audit history
Specifies whether reviewers
can commit items from their research folders to the review set
without also committing the associated review marks and comments.
This option is only used if you select "Commit All Audit History
When Committing An Item". By default, Compliance Accelerator
expects users to commit the marks and comments when they commit
items to the review set.
Commit All Audit History When Committing An Item
Specifies whether reviewers
must commit the full audit history when committing items from their
personal folders to the review set. By default, Compliance
Accelerator lets users choose the elements that they want to
Require Export permission in Department for Export permission in
Specifies whether to limit the export facility in a folder to
those users who have export permissions in the associated
department. By default, Compliance Accelerator does not require
users to have this permission.
Require Review permission in Department for Review permission in
Specifies whether to limit the review facility in a folder to
those users who have review permissions in the associated
department. By default, Compliance Accelerator does not require
users to have this permission.
Require Search permission in Department for Search permission in
Specifies whether to limit the search facility in a folder to
those users who have search permissions in the associated
department. By default, Compliance Accelerator does not require
users to have this permission.
Show shared folders to Delegates
Controls the extent to
which delegates can access the folders to which their principal
reviewers have access. By default, all folders that a principal
owns are automatically available to delegates. However, any other
folders to which the principal has access are not available. If you
want delegates to have access to these shared folders, change this