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Customizing the port or protocol for the Enterprise Vault Web Access application

You can change the port or protocol that is used to access the Web Access application. For example, you may want connections to the application to be made using HTTPS.


If you change the port after items have been archived, existing shortcuts will no longer work. Shortcuts in Outlook and Lotus Notes can be updated with the new protocol or port information using Synchronize mailboxes in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, but customized shortcuts, FSA shortcuts and SharePoint shortcuts cannot be updated.

Before you change the Web Access application port or protocol in Enterprise Vault, you must first make the required changes to the default Web site in IIS for each server in the Enterprise Vault site. Bear in mind that changing the protocol or port for the default Web site will affect all virtual directories in the Web site, including the FSAReporting virtual directory.

When you have made the necessary changes in IIS, change the Web Access application port or protocol settings on the General tab of the Site properties in the Administration Console.

If the Enterprise Vault site uses FSA Reporting, you must then perform some additional steps. Otherwise the status of FSA Reporting is shown as Off in the Administration Console. Perform the following steps on each Enterprise Vault server and on each file server in the Site.

Additional steps for FSA Reporting after you change the port or protocol

  1. Log on as the FSA Reporting user. The FSA Reporting user is the Windows user account that you specified for FSA Reporting to use when you ran the FSA Reporting Configuration wizard.

  2. Open Internet Explorer and select Tools > Internet Options.

  3. If you chose to use an SSL port, click the Advanced tab and under Security make sure that Check for server certificate revocation is not selected.

  4. Click the Security tab and select the Local intranet zone. Then click Custom Level to display the Security Settings. Under User Authentication, make sure that Prompt for user name and password is not selected.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 on each Enterprise Vault server and on each file server in the Site.

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