Clustering Enterprise Vault in a 2+1 "any-to-any" configuration

This second option for a 2+1 operation mode involves configuring the Enterprise Vault virtual servers EVSERVER1 and EVSERVER2 to run on any of the three nodes. This has the advantage that, for example, if NODEA fails and EVSERVER1 fails over to NODEC, you can bring NODEA back online to act as the failover node for EVSERVER1 and EVSERVER2.

Figure: 2+1 "any-to-any" configuration

2+1 "any-to-any" configuration

You can extend the setup process for an N+M configuration with any number of primary and failover nodes, up to the total of 8 clustered nodes supported by Microsoft server clusters.

To cluster Enterprise Vault in a 2+1 "any-to-any" configuration

  1. Prepare for clustering as follows:

    • Add three nodes to the cluster (NODEA, NODEB, NODEC).

    • Create two resource groups (EVSERVER1, EVSERVER2), and add the prerequisite resources to each group.

    • Configure the groups and resources so that the following nodes are the preferred owners, in the order shown:





  2. Follow steps 2 to 5 of the 2+1 configuration without "any-to-any" support.

  3. Test the cluster to confirm that if an active node fails, the virtual server fails over to the appropriate node.

  4. For example, if you have configured the preferred owners of the resource groups as suggested in step 1:

    • Confirm that if NODEA fails, EVSERVER1 fails over successfully to NODEC.

    • Then bring NODEA back online as the spare node and confirm that if NODEB fails, EVSERVER2 fails over to NODEA.

More Information

Clustering Enterprise Vault in a 2+1 configuration without "any-to-any" support