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State transition maps

An asset record stored in a database as a static entry isn't sufficient for an effective asset management strategy. Assets are dynamic. The status of an asset, such as a computer, may change multiple times during its lifecycle. It changes assignment from one employee to another. It gets moved to different offices or locations. It may require repairs or upgrades or warranty replacement. Unless these state changes are recorded and tracked, this can lead to the asset itself being misplaced or lost.

One of the keys to LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager’s ability to manage and track assets throughout their lifecycle is state transition management. This uses state transition maps (illustrated above), which display a graphical representation of the various states you have defined for the asset type.

State transition mapping lets you manage how an asset, contract, request, or other resource may transition from state to state, the path it can take, and the requirements for each state as it moves along that path. A key technology that makes this transition mapping unique is ALM’s ability to automatically generate an audit trail of the state changes, including as much or little detail as you want, and to enable state changes to trigger an automated workflow that supports your asset management priorities.

Every state transition map has a starting point. In this case, it's when the asset is ordered. Once the asset arrives, it goes into the Received state, and then to IT Provisioning. From there it can go into Available or Assigned. The arrows between states show the directions the asset can travel.

For example, you can tell from the arrows on the state transition map above that an asset can't go from Received to Ordered. Also, you can tell that if an asset that's Available needs to be Assigned, it first must go through IT Provisioning before it can be assigned so that IT can customize the asset for the person who will be receiving it.

There are many complex interactions between asset forms, state transition maps, and workflows, and making changes to the default content without the help of LANDesk Professional Services may affect your ability to use Asset Lifecycle Manager successfully in your environment.

For more information on creating state transition maps, see State transition map canvas.