Create or Edit Asset Group: Specify Asset Group Details

The Specify Asset Group Details panel is divided into the following sections:

The Asset Group Details section presents the following options:

Group Name

Lets you specify a name for the asset group.


Lets you type a description for the asset group.

Use Ctrl+ENTER to go to the next line when you type a description.

Save in

Lets you browse and select the path where the asset group should be saved.

The Asset Group Type section presents the following options:

Static Group

See Static asset groups.

Lets you choose to create a static asset group.

A static asset group is the asset group that is not updated unless you edit the asset group and add more assets to the asset group manually.

Dynamic Group

See Dynamic asset groups.

Lets you choose to create a dynamic asset group.

A dynamic asset group is the asset group that is updated with every asset import job if more assets meet the criteria that is specified in the dynamic group definition.

More Information

Creating a dynamic asset group

Creating a static asset group