Configure DCE agent installation defaults

During the management server installation the default settings for DCE agents (for example the name of the management server) are automatically stored in the DCE agent package. The management server to applies these defaults when it remotely installs the DCE agent on a node.

You can use the SetMgmtServer command to configure the following default settings in the DCE agent package:

The full usage of SetMgmtServer is shown below:

Usage: SetMgmtServer.exe [] 
   [/servername <name>]
   [-s|/system [/on|/off|/default]]
   [/forced [/on|/off|/default]]
   [/auth [/on|/off|/default]]
   [/renperl [/on|/off|/default]]
   [/user <user>]
   [/password <encrypted password>]

   Updates the name of the management server in the agent installation <pkg>.
	 /servername <name>  Sets management server name. By default current management server name is set.

	 -d					 Removes the NetBIOS domain name from the
							fully qualified hostname (if included).

	 -s					 Installs agents under the Local System account.							 

	 /system /on			Turns on Local System account installation.
	 /system /off			 Turns off Local System account installation.
	 /system /default		 Sets the System account installation to default (on).

	 /forced /on			Turns on forced switch of the user account.
	 /forced /off			 Turns off forced switch of the user account.
	 /forced /default		 Sets forced switch of the user account back to default

	 /auth /on				Turns on authentication.
	 /auth /off			 Turns off authentication.
	 /auth /default		 Sets the authentication to default (off).

	 /renperl /on			 Enforces the agent installation to rename to ovperl.exe.
	 /renperl /off			Sets the agent installation to use perl.exe.
	 /renperl /default		Sets the name of the Perl interpreter to default (off).

	 /current				 Shows the settings in the given package or on the system.

	 /user <user> 		 Sets the user name the agent should be installed under.
	 /password <pwd> 	Sets an encrypted password that should be used for the user.
							NOTE: Encrypt the password with the command
									opcpwcrpt.exe (in %OvInstallDir%\bin\OpC\install)
							The specified password is ignored when installing the 
							agent under the Local System account.

You can combine several options at the same time. For example:

Note NOTE:
When you start SetMgmtServer the command writes the settings of the /system , /auth, /forced, and /renperl switches into the registry. These registry settings are used the next time you start SetMgmtServer, unless you specify other settings. For example, if you use the following command:

SetMgmtServer /system ON

then the existing settings for in the registry and could result in the following:

SetMgmtServer /system ON /auth OFF /forced OFF

The -s option is only valid for the current call of SetMgmtServer and is not written to the registry. The next time you call SetMgmtServer without the -s option, the registry settings are used.

Note NOTE:
The SetMgmtServer tool changes only the installation defaults in the DCE agent package on the management server. To apply changes to nodes where the DCE agent is already installed, you must redeploy the agent.

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