Change the default user of DCE agents on Windows nodes

By default on managed nodes with a Windows operating system, the DCE agent runs under the Local System account. However, you can configure the DCE agent installation defaults so that the agent runs under a different user account. For example, you may want the agent to run under an account with fewer permissions to the Local System account. Alternatively, you may want the agent to run under a domain account that gives the agent permission to access remote systems.

You must test whether the user account has appropriate rights to run the agent and manage the node correctly. You assign these user rights in the local Windows security settings on the node, or a group policy object in Active Directory. The user rights that you assign depend on your requirements. You may, for example, consider assigning the following user rights:

Note NOTE:
This procedure changes only the installation defaults in the DCE agent package on the management server. To apply changes to nodes where the DCE agent is already installed, you must redeploy the agent. The redeployed agent runs under the new user account. Remove the old agent user account manually if you no longer need it.

To change the default user of DCE agents

  1. Log in to the management server with an account that is a member of the HPOM administrators group. Open a command prompt.
  2. Type cd "%OvInstallDir%\bin\OpC\install" and then press Enter.
  3. To encrypt the DCE agent user's password type opcpwcrpt <password> and then press Enter. Copy the output.
  4. Type SetMgmtServer /user <user> /password <encrypted password> and then press Enter.

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