HP Operations Manager for Windows


Obsolete methods


HRESULT  IOvPmdPolicyManager::AddPolicyType ([in]BSTR sLogicalID,[in]BSTR sName,[in]BSTR sVersion,[in]BSTR sEditorClassId,[in]BSTR sPolProcessId,[in]BSTR sDescription,[in]VARIANT_BOOL bAllowsMultiplePolicies,[in]VARIANT_BOOL bAllowsMultiplePolicyVersions,[out, retval]IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType **ppType)

Detailed Description

The methods below are obsolete. That is, they still exist in the PMAD interface (for backward- compatibility), but they are no longer supported. A client should under no circumstances call them. If it does so, the method does nothing, and returns the E_NOTIMPL error code (method is not implemented).

The "Obsolete since:" section specifies the product version that made the method obsolete.

Function Documentation

HRESULT IOvPmdPolicyManager::AddPolicyType [in] BSTR  sLogicalID,
[in] BSTR  sName,
[in] BSTR  sVersion,
[in] BSTR  sEditorClassId,
[in] BSTR  sPolProcessId,
[in] BSTR  sDescription,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL  bAllowsMultiplePolicies,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL  bAllowsMultiplePolicyVersions,
[out, retval] IOvPmdLogicalPolicyType **  ppType

Obsolete since 8.00