HP Operations Manager

Read the Browser Headline

The browser headline is a banner across the top of the message browser that labels the columns of information the browser displays. Use the headline to quickly identify these message details:
Severity Color-coded icons give at-a-glance message status. The console displays six levels of message severity.
Duplicates Message counters are displayed in the Duplicates column by default. You can configure their display using the Options dialog box which you can open by clicking in the browser headline.
SUIAON The status column displays attributes for message states. The flags in the columns indicate state and the availability of instructions, annotations, and actions for each message.
Received Specifies the date and time the message was received on the management server.
Created Specifies the date and time the message was created.
Service Specifies the service that issued the message. For example, a server or node name.
Node Specifies the name of the node that issued the message.
Application Specifies the application that detected the message or was affected by it.
Object Specifies the object that caused the message or was affected by it.
Group Specifies the message group to which the message belongs.

You can get more detailed information about a message and change some message attributes using the Message Properties dialog box.

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