HP Operations Manager

Update HPOM user accounts

You can change account information for the HP-OVE-User and HP-OVE-Deleg-User users with the OVChgPass.exe utility. As administrator, when you install HPOM, you choose a user name and password for these accounts. The user accounts are used by the HPOM management server services. User name and password are registered in the services.

Using OVChgPass.exe, you can create a new account or change the password for the existing HP-OVE-User and HP-OVE-Deleg-User accounts. When you change the password, it is changed in every instance where it is used. If you change the user name, it is also changed in every instance where it is used. The names of the current HP-OVE-User and HP-OVE-Deleg-User accounts are found and updated in the registry at this location:


The utility runs on the management server and performs these updates:

If any action fails, the update procedure continues. To avoid inconsistency, you must make a manual change of the failed account data. In this case, note the failed action and write down the name of the service shown in the error message. If the first step should fail (update or creation of the Windows account), the tool stops execution.

If the given user accounts do not yet exist, the user who runs the OVChgPass.exe utility must have sufficient privileges to create user accounts locally on the management server system or, for domain installations, in the domain. Alternatively, the user must have sufficient rights to change passwords.

To update HPOM user accounts

  1. From the command prompt, to open the utility, type:


  2. The Update Account dialog box opens and displays the HP-OVE-User tab.

    HP Operations Manager for Windows

  3. Select the HP-OVE-Deleg-User tab, if you want to change the HP-OVE-Deleg-User account.
  4. Enter the domain where the user is located. Leave this box blank for a local account.
  5. If desired, enter a new user name.
    Note NOTE:
    If you change the user name for the HP-OVE-Deleg-User, you must execute the Windows Node Security Setup tool.
  6. Select Skip system login update, if you do not want HPOM to create the new user account or to change the user password. When you select this option, make sure the administrator has already made the required account changes locally or in the domain.
  7. Enter your new password.
  8. Click OK.

To change account information manually

  1. To update HPOM management server services, select Services from Administrative Tools in the Control Panel. The user login is shown in the Log On As column. Change the log on properties of each HPOM service.
  2. To update the DCOM server's properties, start DCOMCNFG.EXE from the WINNT\system32 folder.
  3. To update the HPOM tools, go to the console tree.

    Select Tools HP Operations Manager Tools Modify Tools login/password.

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