HP Operations Manager

HPOM group accounts

HPOM uses Windows group accounts to identify valid users of the product. During the installation, HPOM creates the following two groups, either locally on the management server (if you are performing a workgroup installation), or in the domain for domain installation:

You can also specify different names during the installation, or, instead of having HPOM create them for you, you can also create these groups yourself before or during the installation.

The purpose of these groups is to allow users to access the HPOM console and HPOM resources so that they can perform HPOM administrator or operator tasks. For example, you can add Rosa Galvez, who is not a Windows administrator, to the HP-OVE-ADMINS group so that she can perform HPOM administrator tasks, or add Sean Payne, another HPOM user who is not a Windows administrator, to the HP-OVE-OPERATORS group to perform operator tasks. Local or domain administrators by default cannot access HPOM.

Note NOTE:
No user should be part of both groups. An HPOM administrator should not be added to the HP-OVE-OPERATORS group.


The HP-OVE-ADMINS group by default contains the following members:

HPOM Administrator Tasks

Users classified as HP-OVE-ADMINS can perform the following HPOM administrator functions:


The HP-OVE-OPERATORS group is initially empty.

HPOM Operator Tasks

Users classified as HP-OVE-OPERATORS can perform all HPOM tasks except those listed under HP-OVE-ADMINS tasks:

As an administrator, after adding a user to the HP-OVE-OPERATORS group, you can further define the rights of that user with the User Roles Editor.

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