Message download

To prevent the message database from becoming too large, HPOM for Windows deletes acknowledged messages after 30 days (or a period that you specify). If you want to save the messages, you can configure HPOM for Windows to save the message information to CSV text files.

The Database Maintenance namespace in the Server Configuration dialog box enables you to reconfigure the default registry settings, which are used to set the download parameters.

Export acknowledged messages before deleting them configures whether the database maintenance scan exports acknowledged messages to the file system before it deletes them from the database. Set this value to true if you want the messages exported before they are deleted from the message database (default is false).

Location of the exported message files is a string that defines the location of the exported message files. Set this value to any drive and directory that you want. If the path does not exist, the messages are neither exported nor deleted, and an error message is written to the event log. The default path is c:\\ . To make your CSV files go to the right directory, you need to put double back slashes for every directory, as shown:

C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\HP\\HP BTO Software\\Datafiles\\OldMessages

Note NOTE:
If you try to insert a different path, it will fail or default to the root "C:\". You must use the double back slashes, as in C:\\.

Field separator for export is a character that specifies the field separator which should be used in the exported message files for delimiting fields in a row. The default field separator character is the comma (,).

Character code page for export is a string that defines the character code page used for the exported message files. Set this value to UCS2 for 2 bytes Unicode. Set it to MULTIBYTE for mulitbyte character code page. The default value is MULTIBYTE.

Use Microsoft Excel convention for export defines whether Microsoft Excel convention is used for formatting multi-line text fields in the message files. Set this value to true if you want to process the exported files with Microsoft Excel. Set this value to false if you want to leave the formatting unchanged and do not want to use Microsoft Excel for further processing exported message files. The default value is false.

Two files are written:

In both cases, if no messages are available for download, no file is written.

To edit default message download configuration values

  1. In the console tree, right-click Operations Manager, and then click Configurearrow Server.... The Server Configuration dialog box opens.
  2. Click Namespace and then click Database Maintenance. A list of values appears.
  3. Click the value that you want to change. Depending on the type of value, you can either type a new value, or select a value from a list that appears.
  4. Optional. If a value appears in bold, the default value has been changed. To reset the value to its default, right-click the value, and then click Set to default.
  5. Click OK

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