HP Operations Manager

DB Maintenance Component details

The DB Maintenance component is an integral part of the management server. When the management server starts, the component performs the following tasks:
  1. It checks the registry for the time to start maintenance and the time interval after which acknowledged messages should be purged from the history database. If these values are present, the component does nothing until the time for executing maintenance operations is reached.

    If these values are not configured, then the component is suspended until these time values are entered into the registry. (The component waits for a registry changed notification event.)

  2. When the time for maintenance is reached, the component restarts and performs the following tasks:
    • Deletes all entries in the tables OV_MS_MESSAGE and OV_MS_ANNOTATION which match these criteria:
      • The message is acknowledged.
      • The time interval between the acknowledgement of the message and the current time is greater than or equal to the configured time interval for message deletion.
    • Updates the statistics in the table OV_MS_Stats of the management server database:
      • Start time for maintenance
      • Finish time for maintenance
      • Number of entries deleted in the table OV_MS_message
      • Number of annotations deleted in the table OV_MS_Annotation
    • Suspends activity until the time for the next maintenance cycle is reached.

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