Import from File Dialog Box

Adds computers from external comma, semicolon, colon, or tab-delimited text files to CCM.

NOTE: Files containing previously imported CCM computer data must have been exported using the CCM Edit Computer Properties Dialog "Export to File" button.

Files produced with the MMC Export List function (available from the Computers object context menu) can be used in other external applications, but not imported to CCM.

If the file you want to import is saved in a different format, the entire content of the file displays in the ID column. Click Settings to open the file in the correct format.


Column name



The unique identifier of the computer.

Display Name

Name that displays in the CCM Command Center Scope pane and Result pane.

Host Name

Same name as the Computer Name in the computer's network identification properties, defined when the computer was added to the network.

HW Address

The hardware address (MAC address) of the computer’s NIC.

IP Address

The computer’s IP address on BOOTP.

Gateway Address

The computer’s gateway address on BOOTP.


Determines if this is a cooperative or consistent mode computer.

Network Type

Either Ethernet or Token Ring. Corresponds to the network card in the computer.

Respository Folder

Directory where information about this computer will be stored.






Imports the computer information into the Add Computers: Properties dialog box.


Cancels the import file process and closed the dialog box.


Opens the Help window describing this dialog box.


Removes the selected line of information from the display. The information that is removed is not imported.


Opens the File/Import Export dialog box where you set the file format for the file.