Delay Copy Procedures

You can delay:

For both delay types, there is a global delay factor. The waiting time between copy procedures for a computer is determined by multiplying the global delay factor by the computer’s priority. You set the computer’s priority in the Boot and Security tab of the Computer Properties dialog box. There is no waiting time for computers with highest priority (0).

To define the copy delay:

  1. In the Scope pane, expand the CCM Command Center root item.

  2. Right-click the server name item.

  3. Click Properties.

  4. Select a value in the Waiting time between two file blocks (in ms) drop-down list box.

This value multiplied by the computer’s priority is the actual waiting time between transmission of 16 KB blocks during the execution of the CCM Pre-OS Agent. This setting effects only the copy procedures in the [CONTENTS] section of the .swp files.

  1. Select a value in the Waiting time between two files (in ms) drop-down list box.

This value multiplied by the computer’s priority is the actual waiting time between transmission of the files in a network boot. The setting applies only to copy procedures of the CCM Windows Agent and effects only the [CONTENTS] section of the .swp files.