Here is an overview of the tasks you need to do.
Note: On a new CCM server, you must have an administrator role of Server administrator to start the Command Center for the first time, and to add CCM Administrators.
Start the Command Center from the Start menu. Select Start > Programs > CCM Administration > CCM Command Center.
Next, add servers to the CCM server list, and connect the servers to Command Center.
Add CCM Administrators and assign a role to each. CCM provides several roles that allow administrators to perform different Command Center tasks. About Administrator Roles...
Add computers to a CCM server, so you can manage them.
As necessary, create computer groups and package and hardware profiles.
Deploy packages to computers and computer groups
Monitor CCM Activities as they execute.
When you close the Command Center, you are prompted to save it. Saving stores the configuration and settings so they appear the next time you open Command Center. Use Save As to store different msc files showing different settings.
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