The CCM Windows Agent resides on the managed computer. It controls the installation and execution of application, action, and configuration packages on supported Windows computers. It communicates with the CCM server, polling for jobs that need to be downloaded and reporting status and error information. The CCM Windows Agent is installed when the CCM Windows Agent package or the CCM Windows Agent Update package is deployed and executed on the managed computer.
On Consistent Mode computers, the Windows Agent package is automatically installed during the initial installation of the operating system and network software.
On Cooperative Mode computers, the Windows Agent is deployed to computers, as if it was being installed. Later, you install the Windows Agent manually using the ONwards tool.
Three CCM packages define the behavior of the CCM Windows Agent.
The CCM Windows Agent package sets the initial basic configuration of the Windows Agent.
The CCM Windows Agent Update package sets the configuration of the Windows Agent when you upgrade from one version of the Windows Agent to another. This package provides the same parameter options as the CCM Windows Agent package.
The CCM Windows Agent Settings package provides numerous additional parameters that you can set to augment and expand the CCM Windows Agent functionality.
To customize the CCM Windows Agent functionality you can modify the parameter values in these packages.
How To ...
NOTE: For more advanced control of the CCM Windows Agent operations and behavior, you can use CCM ONwards V1.1 to change additional registry values that are not revealed through the CCM Windows Agent packages’ parameters. Contact your CCM Product Support Representative.
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