When the discovery process is complete, the
Select Bundle Filter screen appears.
The Select Bundle Filter screen is divided into
two sections.
The upper part of the screen includes the
product and status information:
Product—Displays the product name of the
predefined bundles found on the system. It also provides
information about available versions.
Status—Indicates whether the installation is
ready to proceed. It also provides additional information about the
contents of the identified bundles.
The lower part of the screen includes options
for installation. The Installation Options section enables you to
set options for non-bundle product versions.
To view all versions of the products
included in the bundle, select ALLOW
NON-BUNDLE VERSIONS. This option enables you to include
updates that might be newer than those released in the bundle.
To view updates of products not included in
the bundle, select ALLOW NON-BUNDLE
PRODUCTS. This option enables you to update other
components on your system as you apply the bundle.
To force the installation process on the
bundle products, select FORCE ALL
BUNDLE PRODUCTS. This option enables you to install bundle
products when the installed version is the same as or newer than
the components in the bundle. This allows the installed software to
be downgraded.
To view the PSP version history, click the
version number in the product field.
To view a list of the bundle contents, click
View Contents. This list
also appears when you click the number of components in the status
To view the list of missing components, click
the Missing Components
link. You can obtain the missing components from the source media
or from the HP website.