After selecting the bundles to filter, the
Select Items to be Installed screen appears.
The Select Items to be Installed screen
includes the following sections:
ProductDisplays the system where the
selected items will be installed.
StatusIndicates whether the installation is
ready to proceed.
Reboot sectionEnables you to specify reboot
settings and determine when reboots occur.
Component selection paneEnables you to
specify which components to install.
The Select Items to be Installed screen also
includes the following buttons:
Select AllSelects all applicable components
for installation.
Deselect AllDeselects all components
currently selected for installation.
DefaultRestores the selections in the
product installation pane to the default view, which is based on
the existing configuration of the local system.
ExitExits HP Smart Update Manager.
InstallInstalls all selected
The component selection pane in the Select
Items to be Installed screen is divided into sections, which might
vary depending on your system. These sections include the following
Deselected By UserYou have deselected the
components in this section, and the components are not installed.
Installation Not NeededThe components in
this section do not need to be updated, but can be. To update the
components, select the components, and then click Installation Options.
Excluded by FilteringThe components in this
section were excluded through your filtering options.
Updates to be InstalledThe components in
this section can be installed on your system.
Optional UpdatesThe components in this
section are not selected for installation by default, even if the
product is not already installed or is installed but not
up-to-date. If you want to include the component in the
installation set, you must select the component.
No Device Driver InstalledThe devices
supported by the components in this section are detected on the
system, but HP Smart Update Manager requires a device driver before
the component can be made available for installation. Install the
device driver.