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Command line examples for the Remote Deployment Console Utility

Although lowercase letters are used in these examples, the Remote Deployment Console Utility is not case sensitive, and either uppercase or lowercase letters can be used. However, the operating system environment variable is case sensitive. For example, %I is not the same as %i.

Command line input


setupc /target:COMPUTER1 /use-latest

Installs the latest available version of the Support Pack that is located in the current directory and is applicable to the computer named COMPUTER1.

setupc /target:COMPUTER1 BP000001.XML

Installs the Support Pack defined by BP000001.XML from the current directory on the computer named COMPUTER1.

setupc /target:COMPUTER2 BP000001.XML CP000150.EXE

Installs the Support Pack defined by BP000001.XML and an additional component named CP000150.EXE located in the current directory on the computer named COMPUTER2.

setupc /target:HPSYS1 /use-latest /use-location:\\SWREPOS\SupportSoftware

Installs the latest available Support Pack from \\SWREPOS\SupportSoftware on the computer named HPSYS1.

@echo off

for %%I in (HPSYS1 HPSYS2 HPSYS3) do setupc /t:%%I BP000002.XML

A Windows® .CMD script that installs the Support Pack defined by BP000002.XML on the following computers: HPSYS1, HPSYS2, and HPSYS3.

For additional information about the syntax of the FOR ... IN ... DO operating system command, refer to the operating system documentation.