Command line argument |
Description |
/help |
Displays command line Help information. |
/? |
Is identical to the /help argument. |
/use-latest |
Instructs SETUPC to automatically install the latest available Support Pack for the target operating system. Any additional components or Support Packs passed on the command line are ignored. "Latest available" means the latest available version for the target operating system that can be found in either the file share specified by the /use-location parameter or in the directory containing SETUPC.EXE. |
/t[arget]:computer |
Specifies the name of the computer to use as the target for the deployment operation. |
/f[orce] |
Changes the behavior of a component installation in one of the following ways:
/r[eboot][:timeout] |
Causes the target system to reboot if the installation requires a reboot to complete installation. A timeout in seconds can be specified. The default timeout is 15 seconds. The timeout value must be between 15 and 3600 (1 hour). The reboot will only take place if no installation errors occur. |
/reboot-always[:timeout] |
Causes the target system to reboot after installation, even if a reboot is not required to complete installation. A timeout in seconds can be specified. The default timeout is 15 seconds. The timeout value must be between 15 and 3600 (1 hour). |
/use-location:fileshare |
Instructs SETUPC to look in the specified directory or file share for the Support Pack and components. If this parameter is not specified, the directory containing SETUPC.EXE is used by default. The current logged-in account must already have access to this location. The /user: and /passwd: arguments do not have any effect when attempting to access the file share. They are only used when connecting to a target computer. |
/user:username |
Sets the user name to use to connect to the target computer. |
/passwd:password |
Sets the password to use to connect to the target computer. |
/override-existing-connection |
Instructs SETUPC.EXE to connect to the target computer and override any existing connection that might be present. It is not recommended that this flag be used as a default. It overrides important safety checks that ensure that only one client at a time is connected to a target computer. Use this parameter only for recovery in a situation where the Remote Deployment Console Utility is reporting that a connection to a target computer is present, even if no connection exists. This situation can occur if one of the remote deployment utilities does not shut down properly. |
component |
Specifies the component to install. |
support pack |
Specifies the Support Pack to install. |