1788-Slot X Drive Array Reports Incorrect
Drive Replacement...
...The following SCSI
drive(s) should have been replaced: SCSI Port Y: SCSI
The following SCSI drive(s)
were incorrectly replaced: SCSI Port y: SCSI ID z.
Select F1 to continue drive
array will remain disabled.
Select F2 to reset
configuration all data will be lost.
Beeps: None
- Replacement drives may have been installed
in the wrong drive bays.
- A bad power cable connection to the drive,
noise on the data cable, or defective SCSI cable exists.
- If replacement drives are installed in the
wrong bays, properly reinstall the drives as indicated and:
- Press the F1 key to restart the server with the
drive array disabled.
- Press the F2 key to use the drives as configured
and lose all the data on them.
- If a bad power cable connection exists:
- Repair the connection and press the
F2 key.
- If the problem persists, run ADU to
- Be sure the cable is routed properly.