IADsContainer Property: Filter

Property Name

Property Type

The filter used to select object classes in a given enumeration. It is not required for the NameSpace Container since a NameSpace object can contain only Domains. The possible values for Filter are:

Computer Container

"User", "Group", "PrintQueue" and "Service"

Domain Container

"User", "Group", "Computer" and "PrintQueue"

File Container

"Complete tree", "Nextlevel file",
"Nextlevel directory" and

"Nextlevel file and directory" and "Share"

RegistryKey Container

"Complete tree", "Nextlevel key and value", "Nextlevel key", "Nextlevel value" and "Complete tree key"

For the Domain container, if the filter is not specified or is empty, all objects in the container are enumerated. For the Computer container, if the filter is not specified, all objects in the container and "file_services" and " reg_services" objects are enumerated. For the File container, if the filter is not specified then the filter is taken to be "Nextlevel file and directory". For the RegistryKey container, if the filter is not specified, the filter is taken to be "Nextlevel key and value".


Dim ContainerObject As IADsContainer
Dim varFilter As Variant
Dim Filter As Variant
Set ContainerObject = GetObject("NTDS://YourDomainName")
ContainerObject.Filter = Array("user", "group", "computer")
varFilter = ContainerObject.Filter
For Each Filter In varFilter
  Debug.Print Filter
Next Filter
End Sub


See Also
