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Viewing activity on the remote computer

You can view the status of a remote Windows computer.

To view activity on the remote computer

  1. On the computer on which the Remote Agent is installed, on the taskbar, click Start > All Programs > Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers > Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility.

    If the Remote Agent Utility is already running, you can double-click its icon in the system tray.

  2. Click the Status tab.

  3. Complete the appropriate options as follows:

    Start the Remote Agent Utility every time you log on

    Check Start the Remote Agent Utility every time you log on to display the Remote Agent Utility when you log on to this computer.

    Refresh interval

    Type the number of seconds for the Remote Agent Utility to wait before refreshing the status of the computer. The default setting is to refresh every 5 seconds.

    Media server

    Name of the media server that is processing the current operation.


    Media or share that is being processed.

    Current folder

    Name of the current directory, folder, or database (depending on the specific agent) that is being processed.

    Current file

    Name of the current file that is being processed.

  4. Click OK.

  5. To display an activity status on the remote computer, position the cursor over the Remote Agent icon in the system tray.

    Possible statuses are as follows:

    • A backup job is running

    • A restore job is running

    • A backup and a restore job are running

    • Snapshot in progress

    • The Backup Exec client service, Beremote.exe, is not running on the computer

    • Idle

More Information

Viewing activity on the remote computer

Publishing the remote Windows computer to media servers

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