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Installing the Remote Agent for Macintosh Systems using the installation script

The Remote Agent for Macintosh Systems installation script is capable of installing the agent to both local and remote Macintosh based computers.

It is recommended that you install the software from a Macintosh computer using the Backup Exec for Windows Servers CD and the push installation technology built into the installation script. Installing the agent in this manner enables you to install it on multiple remote Macintosh computers in the least amount of time possible. You can also take the Backup Exec for Windows Servers CD to the target computers and locally install the software. In either case, you need to know the computer names of the Macintosh computers where the software will be installed.

To install the Remote Agent for Macintosh Systems using the installation script

  1. At a Macintosh computer, place the Backup Exec for Windows Servers CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    The Backup Exec for Windows Servers CD will mount in /Volumes/Symantec.

  2. Open a Finder window and then browse to Applications>Utilities.

  3. Open Terminal.

  4. In Terminal, type sudo ./installrams.

  5. Enter a password, which should be the password of the currently logged in user.

  6. Enter the name of a Macintosh computer or computers on which to install the Remote Agent and press Enter. When entering multiple computer names, use spaces between each name.

  7. After the installer successfully checks for a valid Macintosh computer operating system during the initial system check, press Enter.

  8. After reviewing the package installation summary, press Enter.

  9. Press Enter to start the Remote Agent installation requirements precheck.

  10. Press Enter after the Remote Agent installer installation requirements check completes.

  11. Enter the computer name or IP address of the Backup Exec media server that you want the Remote Agent to publish to and press Enter. If you need to specify additional media servers, type Y then Enter; otherwise, press Enter.

  12. Verify that the IP address and/or computer name information is correct and press Enter. If changes need to be made, type N, and then press Enter to modify the information.

  13. Press Enter to begin the installation.

    A message appears stating the installation has completed successfully after the installation finishes.

  14. Press Enter.

    The installrams log file is saved to the following location on the Macintosh computer:

    	/var/tmp/vxif/installrams<summary file 

More Information

Publishing Macintosh computers to a media server

About editing the ralus.cfg file for a Macintosh computer

Backing up Macintosh computers

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