The following list outlines the general process for performing a
late bind:
Something binds to an ADSI directory object. For example,
LDAP://CN=Jeffsmith, OU=Sales, DC=Fabrikam, DC=COM binds
using COM late binding. This causes ADSI to call the
QueryInterface method on the IDispatch
ADSI finds an object in the user class and creates an
object that supports the appropriate interfaces, such as IADs, IADsUser.
ADSI performs a lookup in the registry and finds extension
CLSIDs for user. Be aware that ADSI caches this data.
Something makes a call to the MyNewMethod method. ADSI
looks up its dispatch ID and the dispatch IDs for other ADSI
extensions. ADSI then finds the extension that serves this call,
and calls the IADsExtension
interface for that extension.
The extension executes the function.
Now, the client writer invokes the YourNewMethod method
using the IDispatch interface for the current extension. The
extension's IDispatch implementation delegates back to the
IDispatch for ADSI.
The IDispatch for ADSI again searches for the
appropriate extension, or itself, then it calls the appropriate
extension using the IADsExtension interface for that