Directory Services


The IADsUser interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to represent and manage an end-user account on a network. Call the methods of this interface to access and manipulate end-user account data. Such data includes names of the user, telephone numbers, job title, and so on. This interface supports features for determining the group association of the user, and for setting or changing the password.

To bind to a domain user through a WinNT provider, use the domain name as part of the ADsPath, as shown in the following code example.


Similarly, use the computer name as part of the ADsPath to bind to a local user.


In Active Directory®, domain users reside in the directory. The following code example shows how to bind to a domain user through an LDAP provider.

GetObject("LDAP://CN=Jeff Smith,OU=Sales,DC=Fabrikam,DC=Com")

However, local accounts reside in the local SAM database and the LDAP provider does not communicate with the local database. Thus, to bind to a local user, you must go through a WinNT provider as described in the second code fragment.

Methods in Vtable Order

The IADsUser interface inherits the methods of the standard COM interfaces:

In addition, IADsUser defines the following methods.

Method Description
get_BadLoginAddress Gets the address of the last node, considered an "Intruder".
get_BadLoginCount Gets the number of the bad logon attempts since last reset.
get_LastLogin Gets the date and time of the last network login.
get_LastLogoff Gets the date and time of the last network logoff.
get_LastFailedLogin Gets the date and time of the last failed network login.
get_PasswordLastChanged Gets the date and time of the last password change.
get_Description Gets and sets the description of the user account.
put_Description Gets and sets the description of the user account.
get_Division Gets and sets the division within a company (organization).
put_Division Gets and sets the division within a company (organization).
get_Department Gets and sets the organizational unit within the organization.
put_Department Gets and sets the organizational unit within the organization.
get_EmployeeID Gets and sets employee identification number of the user.
put_EmployeeID Gets and sets employee identification number of the user.
get_FullName Gets and sets the full name of the user.
put_FullName Gets and sets the full name of the user.
get_FirstName Gets and sets the first name of the user.
put_FirstName Gets and sets the first name of the user.
get_LastName Gets and sets the last name of the user.
put_LastName Gets and sets the last name of the user.
get_OtherName Gets and sets the additional name, such as the nickname, or the middle name of the user.
put_OtherName Gets and sets the additional name, such as the nickname, or the middle name of the user.
get_NamePrefix Gets and sets the name prefix, such as Mr., Ms., or Hon., of the user.
put_NamePrefix Gets and sets the name prefix, such as Mr., Ms., or Hon., of the user.
get_NameSuffix Gets and sets the name suffix, such as Jr. or III, of the user.
put_NameSuffix Gets and sets the name suffix, such as Jr. or III, of the user.
get_Title Gets and sets the user's title within the organization.
put_Title Gets and sets the user's title within the organization.
get_Manager Gets and sets the manager of the user.
put_Manager Gets and sets the manager of the user.
get_TelephoneHome Gets and sets the list of home phone numbers of the user. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
put_TelephoneHome Gets and sets the list of home phone numbers of the user. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
get_TelephoneMobile Gets and sets the list of mobile phone numbers of the user. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
put_TelephoneMobile Gets and sets the list of mobile phone numbers of the user. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
get_TelephoneNumber Gets and sets the list of work-related phone numbers. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
put_TelephoneNumber Gets and sets the list of work-related phone numbers. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
get_TelephonePager Gets and sets the list of pager phone numbers.
put_TelephonePager Gets and sets the list of pager phone numbers.
get_FaxNumber Gets and sets the list of fax phone numbers. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
put_FaxNumber Gets and sets the list of fax phone numbers. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
get_OfficeLocations Gets and sets the array of end-user locations. In Active Directory the array has a single element.
put_OfficeLocations Gets and sets the array of end-user locations. In Active Directory the array has a single element.
get_PostalAddresses Gets and sets the array of end-user post office addresses.
put_PostalAddresses Gets and sets the array of end-user post office addresses.
get_PostalCodes Gets and sets the array of postal codes for the Postal Addresses. In Active Directory the array has a single element.
put_PostalCodes Gets and sets the array of postal codes for the Postal Addresses. In Active Directory the array has a single element.
get_SeeAlso Gets and sets the array of ADsPaths of other objects related to this user.
put_SeeAlso Gets and sets the array of ADsPaths of other objects related to this user.
get_AccountDisabled Gets and sets the flag to indicate whether or not the account is disabled.
put_AccountDisabled Gets and sets the flag to indicate whether or not the account is disabled.
get_AccountExpirationDate Gets and sets the expiration date and time of the user.
put_AccountExpirationDate Gets and sets the expiration date and time of the user.
get_GraceLoginsAllowed Gets and sets the number of times user can log on after password has expired.
put_GraceLoginsAllowed Gets and sets the number of times user can log on after password has expired.
get_GraceLoginsRemaining Gets and sets the number of grace logins left before locking account.
put_GraceLoginsRemaining Gets and sets the number of grace logins left before locking account.
get_IsAccountLocked Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not an account is locked.
put_IsAccountLocked Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not an account is locked.
get_LoginHours Gets and sets the time periods during each day of week indicating valid login periods.
put_LoginHours Gets and sets the time periods during each day of week indicating valid login periods.
get_LoginWorkstations Gets and set the workstations and their net addresses for this end-user.
put_LoginWorkstations Gets and set the workstations and their net addresses for this end-user.
get_MaxLogins Gets and sets the maximum number of simultaneous logins.
put_MaxLogins Gets and sets the maximum number of simultaneous logins.
get_MaxStorage Gets and set the maximum amount of disk space allowed for the user.
put_MaxStorage Gets and set the maximum amount of disk space allowed for the user.
get_PasswordExpirationDate Gets and sets the date and time when password will expire.
put_PasswordExpirationDate Gets and sets the date and time when password will expire.
get_PasswordMinimumLength Gets and sets the minimum number of characters allowed in a password.
put_PasswordMinimumLength Gets and sets the minimum number of characters allowed in a password.
get_PasswordRequired Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not a password is required.
put_PasswordRequired Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not a password is required.
get_RequireUniquePassword Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not a new password must be different from ones in the password history list.
put_RequireUniquePassword Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not a new password must be different from ones in the password history list.
get_EmailAddress Gets and sets the email address of the user.
put_EmailAddress Gets and sets the email address of the user.
get_HomeDirectory Gets and sets the home directory of the user.
put_HomeDirectory Gets and sets the home directory of the user.
get_Languages Gets and sets the array of language names for the end-user.
put_Languages Gets and sets the array of language names for the end-user.
get_Profile Gets and sets the end-user's profile path.
put_Profile Gets and sets the end-user's profile path.
get_LoginScript Gets and sets the end-user's login script path.
put_LoginScript Gets and sets the end-user's login script path.
get_Picture Gets and sets the picture of the user.
put_Picture Gets and sets the picture of the user.
get_HomePage Gets and sets the URL to the home page of the user.
put_HomePage Gets and sets the URL to the home page of the user.
Groups Determines the groups to which this end-user belongs.
SetPassword Sets the password.
ChangePassword Changes password from the specified existing value to a new value.


The IADsUser interface defines the following properties. The preceding table includes access methods for these properties.

Property Description
AccountDisabled Gets and sets the flag to indicate whether or not the account is disabled.
AccountExpirationDate Gets and sets the expiration date and time of the user.
BadLoginAddress Gets the address of the last node, considered an "Intruder".
BadLoginCount Gets the number of the bad logon attempts since last reset.
Department Gets and sets the organizational unit within the organization.
Description Gets and sets the description of the user account.
Division Gets and sets the division within a company (organization).
EmailAddress Gets and sets the email address of the user.
EmployeeID Gets and sets employee identification number of the user.
FaxNumber Gets and sets the list of fax phone numbers. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
FirstName Gets and sets the first name of the user.
FullName Gets and sets the full name of the user.
GraceLoginsAllowed Gets and sets the number of times user can log on after password has expired.
GraceLoginsRemaining Gets and sets the number of grace logins left before locking account.
HomeDirectory Gets and sets the home directory of the user.
HomePage Gets and sets the URL to the home page of the user.
IsAccountLocked Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not an account is locked.
Languages Gets and sets the array of language names for the end-user.
LastFailedLogin Gets the date and time of the last failed network login.
LastLogin Gets the date and time of the last network login.
LastLogoff Gets the date and time of the last network logoff.
LastName Gets and sets the last name of the user.
LoginHours Gets and sets the time periods during each day of week indicating valid login periods.
LoginScript Gets and sets the end-user's login script path.
LoginWorkstations Gets and set the workstations and their net addresses for this end-user.
Manager Gets and sets the manager of the user.
MaxLogins Gets and sets the maximum number of simultaneous logins.
MaxStorage Gets and set the maximum amount of disk space allowed for the user.
NamePrefix Gets and sets the name prefix, such as Mr., Ms., or Hon., of the user.
NameSuffix Gets and sets the name suffix, such as Jr. or III, of the user.
OfficeLocations Gets and sets the array of end-user locations. In Active Directory the array has a single element.
OtherName Gets and sets the additional name, such as the nickname, or the middle name of the user.
PasswordExpirationDate Gets and sets the date and time when password will expire.
PasswordLastChanged Gets the date and time of the last password change.
PasswordMinimumLength Gets and sets the minimum number of characters allowed in a password.
PasswordRequired Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not a password is required.
Picture Gets and sets the picture of the user.
PostalAddresses Gets and sets the array of end-user post office addresses.
PostalCodes Gets and sets the array of postal codes for the Postal Addresses. In Active Directory the array has a single element.
Profile Gets and sets the end-user's profile path.
RequireUniquePassword Gets and sets a flag to indicate whether or not a new password must be different from ones in the password history list.
SeeAlso Gets and sets the array of ADsPaths of other objects related to this user.
TelephoneHome Gets and sets the list of home phone numbers of the user. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
TelephoneMobile Gets and sets the list of mobile phone numbers of the user. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
TelephoneNumber Gets and sets the list of work-related phone numbers. In Active Directory the list has a single element.
TelephonePager Gets and sets the list of pager phone numbers.
Title Gets and sets the user's title within the organization.


As with any other ADSI object, the container object creates a Windows NT/Windows 2000 user account object. First, bind to a container object. Then, call the IADsContainer::Create method and specify mandatory or optional attributes.

User Creation Using WinNT

With WinNT, you do not have to specify any additional attributes when creating a user. You may call the IADsContainer::Create method to create the user object directly.

Dim dom As IADsContainer
Dim usr As IADsUser

On Error GoTo Cleanup

Set dom = GetObject("WinNT://MyDomain")
Set usr = dom.Create("user","jeffsmith")

	If(Err.Number<>0) Then
		MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
	End If
	Set mach = Nothing
	Set usr = Nothing

In this case, a domain user is created with the following default attribute values.

Property Value
Full Name SAM Account Name (such as jeffsmith)
Password Empty
User Must Change Password TRUE
User Cannot Change Password FALSE
Password Never Expires FALSE
Account Disabled FALSE
Group Domain User
Profile Empty
Account Never Expires TRUE

To create a local user, bind to a target machine, as shown in the following code example.

Dim mach As IADsContainer
Dim usr as IADsUser

On Error GoTo Cleanup
Set mach = GetObject("WinNT://MyMachine,Computer")
Set usr = mach.Create("user","jeffsmith")

	If(Err.Number<>0) Then
		MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
	End If
	Set mach = Nothing
	Set usr = Nothing

The newly created local user will have the same default properties as the domain user. The group membership, however, will be "users", instead of "domain user".


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Redistributable: Requires Active Directory Client Extension on Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and Windows 95/98/Me.
Header: Declared in Iads.h.

See Also

IADs, IADsUser Property Methods, IADsContainer::Create